Oct 7, 2024
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What’s next for Figma, senior in 2 years, UX designer guide to prompting

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Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

“Truly, the current dominant method of structuring the design system on the canvas is paradoxical. It may look beautifully organised like portraits, but could be downright messy, especially for new users, similar to post-its left on a wall. And when a new designer walks to an entire wall of documentation, they are left drowning, not knowing where to start or look.

Perhaps it’s time for figma to rethink the affordance of their design systems within its interface. If so, what could it be?”

What’s next on Figma’s mind? Redesigning design systems
By Darren Yeo

Don’t get left behind — Maze’s Disco Conf 2024 is next week
[Sponsored] Convert any PDF into Figma designs, either as fully editable layers, or as pixel-perfect images. Extract images and text from your PDFs to get them directly in Figma, collaborate with your team, use them as templates for new designs… And much more! Plus, all PDF files are kept private as they’re processed locally.

Editor picks

Get feedback to communicate better
The editing process you didn’t know about.
By David LangtonPut a UX vision before your UX process
Without a compelling vision, people will push back on your process.
By Jared M. SpoolHow LinkedIn went from creepy to cool
Product vision, AI & feeds.
By Rosie Hoggmascall

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about their work.

A collection of the best marketing headlines on the internet →

Make me think

Forbes: the parasite SEO company
“Are you sick of Forbes appearing in search results? For topics that Forbes doesn’t have any expertise in? (…) None of these Google rankings are an accident. And I’m not cherry picking a few high ranking posts. Forbes completely dominates Google today.”I am tired of AI
“Now, I am all for finding and developing new solutions to existing problems, but boy, am I tired of AI, of how it is used and of how it is marketed. Every tech fart smelling of ‘AI’ these days is almost instantly labeled as a ‘game changer’, only to be replaced by the next ‘pivotal’ and ‘revolutionary’ ‘solution’ the next week.”The roads not taken
“Design crits and stakeholder presentations are crucibles from which our work emerges battered and bruised, but stronger.”

Little gems this week

Leveraging LLMs to uncover experience gaps at Nike Soho
By Fredrik Sterner Cederlöf

Design what makes us human
By Simo Herold

Design system dilemmas: similar looks, different functions
By Dean Harrison

Tools and resources

A UX designer guide to prompting
How humans and machines can understand each other.
By Paz PerezA guide to fighting
How to deal with professional challenges.
By Rafael FrotaA senior designer is not made in 2 years
Designers need time and experience to grow.
By Ruben Ferreira Duarte

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What’s next for Figma, senior in 2 years, UX designer guide to prompting was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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