Nov 28, 2016
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Visual Language that aims for simplicity

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This piece of design is based on a Visual Language that aims for simplicity and finding new ways of showing content while taking in consideration the beauty of design to avoid boredom between the end-user and the design.

Rely’IO aims to speak to millions of people around the world with different cultures via a standardized language which is the “Visual Language”.
Each “Visual Language” has it’s own set of materials, properties and rules that makes the design fit seamlessly together following the same rhythm.
We care for the beauty of each Visual Language we provide in a way that creates harmony between the user and design.
We will be providing many different out-of-the-box ready-to-use templates in which they all follow the same rules we have for each Visual Language we offer for our users; These rules provide a convenient easy-to-use interfaces for different kinds of fields allowing internet users getting used to new design standards with simplicity and beauty combined.
Visual Language
Visual Language

Article Categories:
Design · UX

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