Apr 29, 2024
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Make product design great again, advanced Figma prototyping, meaning of color

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Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

“Since when did a company need to hire 10 people to run a pattern library (and it is a pattern library) and where is the ‘design’ part? This feels like design management. Is this DesignOps? Do you need designers for this? And at what point are you allowed to make new design?”

Make product design great again
By Mat Venn

Meet Codux — the all-in-one visual development environment
[Sponsored] Designers, embrace the code. You can now edit CSS and style React components visually directly on the source code of your project. Experience full design control and create pixel-perfect UI the way it was intended, all within web standards.

Editor picks

E-commerce personalization
Helping users or exploiting their personal data?
By Anna RátkaiAI wants a communication-first paradigm
Communication vs information.
By Adrian ChanThis thorn in our foot called portfolio
Confessions of a UX professor.
By Christophe Drayton

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about their work.

Choosing the perfect icons for your typeface →

Make me think

Are we watching the internet die?
“None of the people that spent hours of their lives lovingly contributing to Subreddits, or performing the vital-but-thankless role of moderation, will make a profit off of Reddit’s public listing, but Sam Altman will make hundreds of millions of dollars for his $50 million investment from 2014.”Product design is lost
“Designers can bring immense value to the production of digital products, but our current product design practices too often fail to deliver value to both users and the organizations we serve. Designers have been painted into a corner and the only way out of this dead end is for our practices to evolve.”Notes on quality
“The team is not precious about who owns what, or stepping on each other’s toes, but follows the threads of the work wherever it leads and insists on quality for every aspect of the project.”

Little gems this week

How do you accidentally run for President of Iceland?
By Anna Andersen

How the meaning of color varies per culture
By Bas Wallet

The power of story-making in Star Wars, Apple and AI
By Darren Yeo

Tools and resources

Asking for asynchronous feedback
Effective tips and techniques.
By Suchithra SathiyamurthyAdvanced prototyping in Figma
The new era of conditional logic design.
By Nicolás Del RealMaintaining a design system in Figma
Keep your library up-to-date without breaking any files.
By Lukas Oppermann

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Make product design great again, advanced Figma prototyping, meaning of color was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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