Jun 17, 2024
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Human passion, undocking UX monoliths, type variables in Figma

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Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

“In an era where AI can paint like Picasso and write like Hemingway, the line between human genius and silicon savvy blurs. We were once advised to chase our dreams and turn our passions into paychecks. But what happens when the canvas of our dreams becomes a playground for algorithms that can churn out masterpieces in milliseconds?

How to find passion and purpose in a world where AI is better at everything?”

Is AI killing human passion?
By Slava Polonski, PhD

The visual search engine for your own brain, enhanced with AI
[Sponsored] mymind.com is one private plate for your inspiration, notes, bookmarks, articles & images. Just save it with a click and search to find it later — everything is organized for you with AI. You can even do visual searches to create instant moodboards.

Editor picks

The role of systems in decision making
How to leverage them as designers.
By Michael ParentCheck your team for get-there-itis
On last-minute iterations and soul aches.
By Rita Kind-EnvyUndocking a UX monolith
A method to escalate product design.
By Kike Peña

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about their work.

100+ ways to tell someone goodbye →

Make me think

Home-cooked software and barefoot developers
“The slightly bold theory I put forward in this talk is that we’re on a verge of a golden age of local, home-cooked software and a new kind of developer — what I’ve called the barefoot developer.”The power of beauty in communicating complex ideas
“Beauty is fundamentally an emotional experience. Emotions have the power to create deep connections with the audience. They help viewers relate to the subject matter on a personal level.”Something someone who has never been poor wouldn’t understand?
“Not being able to afford fixing your car, so you can go to work. Because you need the money from working to fix your car. So you can go to work.”

Little gems this week

Taste: on subjectivity and the risk of leaving words undefined

A game sound designer’s guide to button interactions
By Denis Zlobin

How the design of AI tools turns writing into a “collage”
By Daniel Buschek

Tools and resources

The power of Motion Guidelines in digital products
The why, what, and how.
By Alejandra HernándezWhat comes after flat design?
The evolution of skeuomorphism.
By Marcus FlecknerTypography variables in Figma
How to set them up.
By Allie Paschal

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Human passion, undocking UX monoliths, type variables in Figma was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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