Jul 15, 2024
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Figma AI, the bad design virus, ideal designer profile

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“Design bootcamps are the main culprits for the demise of design portfolios. Somehow, there is a sterile treatment to the design process. Use a persona template. Create a journey map. Sketches first, then wireframes, then high-fidelity screens. Especially with the junior designer position, the likelihood of seeing the same formula applied in every portfolio is three-four times higher due to the nature of group work in such bootcamps. Design portfolios become predictable.

I am also sure that Figma AI can generate countless portfolio templates from a single prompt. As AI boils down to the accuracy of the algorithm to predict what the user wants from their prompt, it will be no surprise that most outputs will be marginally different after thousands of similar portfolios are used as their foundational model.”

Figma AI is going to change your design job applications
By Darren Yeo

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The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about their work.

Handy arrows and doodles for download →

Make me think

“An artist usually feels something towards their creation, but often times it’s a selfish, ego-centrical feeling they need to feel at this point in time. It’s why they did it in the first place. It’s their way of dealing with it, and more often than not all of us outside, we don’t give a shit to be honest.”Everyone into the grinder
“One of the most direct ways to improve a flawed system is simply to end the ability of rich and powerful people to exclude themselves from it. If, for example, you outlawed private schools, the public schools would get better. They would get better not because every child deserves to have a quality education, but rather because it would be the only way for rich and powerful people to ensure that their children were going to good schools.”Creativity is the byproduct of work
“With my design work I know this to be true: just keep iterating and eventually a novel approach will accidentally happen. My cursor will slip, or I’ll click the wrong button, and it will lead to a cascade of changes and improvements that eventually turn into something resembling good.”

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Fragging aliens and fostering trust
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The future of agents as NPCs in Product Design
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What’s your ideal designer profile?
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Tools and resources

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Guides and tools to determine your copy’s grade level.
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Voice and screen.
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Figma AI, the bad design virus, ideal designer profile was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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