Jul 8, 2024
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Design concepting, did Figma just take my job, design for high engagement

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Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Professionals across various industries have historically relied on concepts to communicate and sell ideas. Concepts are very common in advertising, branding, marketing, graphic design, fashion, architecture, and many more creative fields. It all comes down to the human brain’s innate attraction to narrative and metaphor and how we can leverage this to push ideas forward.

Design concept: on finding the essence of your thinking →

Join UX expedition in London this August
[Sponsored] Discover the future of UX and Product Design in a 4-day journey through London’s leading product companies. Explore Product Design Strategy, Data Design, Gen AI, Product Branding and more. Office visits, keynote presentations and workshops. 4 days. Only 30 spots.

Editor picks

Creativity: from small-c to big-C
Why creativity needs to happen across systems.
By Darren YeoDon’t be fooled by Figma’s new AI features
How to maintain focus on designers’ roles and responsibilities.
By Raff Di MeoDesigning beyond the colonial imaginary
Why is Design assumed to have a singular history rooted in Eurocentrism?
By sahibzada mayed | صاحبزادہ مائد

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about their work.

Keyboard simulator

Make me think

Figma AI and its implications
“There are many companies, and the number seems to be increasing, that are more than happy to turn the jobs of designers over to folks who are able to wield tools to produce a facsimile of what a designer is actually capable of.”The design purity trap & how to escape it
“The problem is that most of humanity doesn’t believe in design purity. They barely know what design is or what designers do. Work is a social process which means communication skills and relationships are critical. This idea of design purity is a trap for designers, since it sets up impossible expectations the real world will never provide.”Careful technology
“Technology is doing more with less. This is a definition we should not lose sight of. The wheel allows one to move more weight, or with less effort. The gas boiler allows heating with less labor than coal. Email is faster and cheaper than postal mail. There are other tradeoffs made of course, we’ll get to that.”

Little gems this week

Designing for high engagement: tips from a top nutrition app
By Mary Borysova

The political and societal power of video games
By Yannick Allendorf

Accessible form validation from scratch: preparing for validation
By Daniel Berryhill

Tools and resources

How UX can be a key differentiator for AI
From raw power to adaptive interfaces.
By Michael ChiuDid Figma AI just take my job?
The evolving landscape of UX design in an AI world.
By Ahmad HusseinHow to create delightful animations
Principles that make animations great.

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Design concepting, did Figma just take my job, design for high engagement was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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