Jul 29, 2024
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Blue screen of death, brag document, designing tables for small screens

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Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

“Recently, multiple businesses worldwide, including banks, airlines, TV channels, and more, were forced to suspend their operations due to a faulty cybersecurity update to Windows. The update took down thousands of computers, causing them to boot loop and crash to a blue screen of death. Suddenly, our beloved “icons” were gone, and we thrashed around helplessly without them. This may be a good time to think a little about the processes by which Microsoft became such a huge monopoly.”

The blue screen of death: have GUIs truly defeated iconoclasm?
By Neel Dozome

It’s like having your customer on speed dial
[Sponsored] Dovetail’s magic search allows you to query everything your organization knows about the customer. Pull from interviews, usability testing, industry reports, and user feedback — and get an instant, shareable insight. Available on our professional package — but UX Collective subscribers can try it free for 30 days.

Editor picks

Why you should have a brag document
Your secret weapon for performance reviews and interviews.
By Ted GoasOur company is acquired. Now what?
“Business as usual” applies no more to us UX professionals.
By MeltemWhy not all voices should be equal
We need to start centering decisions of those deeply impacted.
By Marielle Sam-Wall

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about their work.

A curated collection of free typefaces

Make me think

Cool self
“In my simplest definition, it’s the version of you that feels like you’re being yourself and feels cool. Naturally, this hinges on how we define cool. So in the fewest words I can muster, cool means being authentic, confident, calm, and original.”The paradox of builders & users
“Builders are different. Every time they open their own product, they spot problems. They’re constantly thinking of opportunities to change things — arguably for the better. The optimisation brain is on full revolutions.”Steve Jobs: the objects of our life
“Part of Steve’s brilliance was how he learned to support the creative process, encouraging and developing ideas even in large groups of people. He treated the process of creating with a rare and wonderful reverence.”

Little gems this week

Back of the TV UX
By Chris R Becker

Going offroad for a better design system
By Trip Carroll

Dangerous metaphors in AI
By Luis Berumen Castro

Tools and resources

Never hide your email unsubscribe link
A cautionary tale of email deliverability, retention, and LTV.
By Rosie HoggmascallHow to make tables fit on small screens
Spoiler: you probably can’t and maybe you shouldn’t.
By Litsa BabalisA designer’s introduction to AI
The brief exploration of a (kinda) new design material.
By Felix Kalkuhl

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Blue screen of death, brag document, designing tables for small screens was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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