Aug 5, 2024
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The cost of Figma, the limits of data-driven, designing for forgiveness

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Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

“The number of paying teams is a big KPI for Figma right now, as well as the average revenue per team.

I got this sense from seeing a whopping eight prompts to upgrade in a single session and seeing a notable increase in the urgency of their upgrade messaging; now it’s all ‘last file’, ‘0 left’, and ‘you’re running out’.”

Figma and the cost of collaboration
By Rosie Hoggmascall

It’s like having your customer on speed dial
[Sponsored] Dovetail’s magic search allows you to query everything your organization knows about the customer. Pull from interviews, usability testing, industry reports, and user feedback — and get an instant, shareable insight. Available on our professional package — but UX Collective subscribers can try it free for 30 days.

Editor picks

The lost practice of information architecture
And the perils of designing without a plan.
By Vicky TeinakiThe future is up for grabs when anyone can make designs
What AI-generated design means for creators.
By Elaine LuDesign has a granularity issue
Why we need to move towards a new design philosophy & practice.
By Kevin RichardThe limits of “data-driven”
Making decisions based on easy data is a recipe for disaster.
By Pavel Samsonov

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and helps designers think more critically about their work.

Home as a heuristic: good design starts here
By Michael McWatters

Make me think

The AI job interviewer will see you now
“Once seen as a curiosity, AI job interviews have grown in popularity as startups look to build businesses on top of the surprising capabilities shown by platforms like OpenAI. (…) As companies scramble for ways to integrate AI into their business, bad experiences like that are set to become commonplace.”A proliferation of terms
“Do we call it a library, a folder, a collection, a workspace, a section, a category, a topic? How about a document, page, file, entry, article, worksheet? And.. what’s the difference? While these kinds of decisions might not be front and center when working out designs for a product or feature, they can impact a lot.”Our new religion isn’t enough
“Religious faith has collapsed, and many trends and movements have moved in to fill the void. (…) I really don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that a significant majority of young people now interpret their lives and emotions and relationships through a therapeutic lens.”

Little gems this week

The evolution of attention
By Darren Yeo

The blurring boundaries of AI-powered design
By John Moriarty

Who do we see when we gaze into the digital mirror?
By Dr. Adam Hart

Tools and resources

I tried Figma Slides; here’s what I’m missing
Asking the Figma Gods to bring these features ASAP.
By Raquel PiquerasDesigning for forgiveness
How to create error-tolerant interfaces.
By Tetiana SydorenkoSimple recall testing for B2B UX
A useful and cheaper alternative for B2B UX testing.
By Olesia Vdovenko

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The cost of Figma, the limits of data-driven, designing for forgiveness was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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